It's so interesting because I have a TV & Movie section at the top of my Substack notes section in the app for the past few weeks but I have no idea how the decide what publications show there. I couldn't see yours or most of my subscriptions there. I only see the huge ones like the Ankler. I wonder if they are testing it as a proper category to roll out later.

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Yes 100%! I would really like to check out who is on here and talking about TV and Film but it’s impossible unless via a connection you stumble upon a TV substack. And it hasn’t really happened lately. I really hope they add it.

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OK, I'm in a room with a bunch of dudes (because, of course they're ALL dudes) shooting the shit in their $900 hoodies, $600 jeans and athletic shoes that all look absolutely destroyed that they paid $1,000 for last week and they get around to , "Hey, Twitter's kinda cool, Tumblr used to be cool, what if we sort of ripped 'em both off and make something new?"

They had heard the rumblings that Elon was about to buy Twitter (at some point after pretending he didn't really want it) but, since they all knew His Muskiness and what a jackhole he is, they knew he'd destroy the platform.

So two weeks later (and with more questionable sartorial choices that all oddly seem to match) in another ridiculously exclusive cigar bar over $600 shots of whisky, they get back together and start to spitball and decide that they should probably do some sort of categories (otherwise it could be as much of a clusterfuck as Angelfire!) As they dial down to what "real people" really want they figure, guess we should probably have something called "culture" (for the olds), music should be pretty deep because there are a lot of different genres of EDM these days, they guess guess they won't be able to avoid "politics" but Elon will probably have that covered whenever he actually buys Twitter...

But what's the killer category? What will EVERYONE want to hit first? Duh, Crypto...

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It always comes down to Crypto.

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I believe it was Samuel Johnson who said, "No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." I don't blame the Nick Hornbys of the world for trying to monetize their essays, but at this point, I pay for six Substacks (including this one, of course), and subscribe to a bunch of free ones—never mind the MONEY, what about the TIME?! Plus it seems like the lone-wolf Substack model leads to burnout—paying customers will have an expectation that the content needs to keep coming.

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Yeah, I don't blame the big names for coming over here either, Sue. Seemed inevitable from the start. I still gladly give George Saunders my money because, while I don't engage with Story Club like many of his followers, I do very much enjoy the columns on process.

And oh yes oh yes oh yes, how right you are about the lone-wolf Substack model. I'm always conflicted about churning stuff out -- I'm usually able to balance this, plus life, plus the fiction stuff, but that being said I did very little fiction stuff in the last year plus because I was dealing with family issues, which kind of gave me a free pass to do work here without guilt.

Now that things are somewhat settling down and I'm returning to fiction stuff, I feel like I'm slightly better at knowing how to divide my time, plus I'm better able to say, you know what, I don't really have anything to contribute right now and just want to sleep.

But whoa, there are some people who write 5-7 posts a week. OY. I'm glad that's not me.

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Hey, don't sell yourself short, bub.

You ARE, after all The #1 Television Critic in America, Emeritus...

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But it was Sam Jackson who said "There are motherfucking snakes on the motherfucking plane!"

Now which is more insightful?

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This could be different now, but I was told back in the day when I asked for TV and Film categories that the category of a Substack plays little to no role in reader discovery. That they kept the categories broad intentionally (for reasons I can’t remember). It would be worth getting some inside info as to the usefulness and purpose of the categories.

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Agree, Steve, that they seemed broad intentionally back in the day. I think that's why I just shrugged and went along with Culture. But recently they have very intentionally defined categories and Culture is kind of sticking out as an unwieldy grab bag.

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Totally agree on the SS classification thing -- how can TV and Flim not have it's own category? That's nuts.

Much as you'll hate the idea, you might try to hawk your screenwriting SS over on TwitterX, where a lot of screenwriters gather to complain about life and everything else. There used to be many more 'til Elmo came along and did his worst to turn it into MAGAville, but a core remain, and maybe you could lure some over to your proposed SS. Maybe those alienated screenwriters have gathered around one of the other social media water coolers, but who has time to for more SM? No -- not THAT kind of SM...

Although screenwriting isn't my thing, you know how I feel about writing in general, so I'd certainly be interested in your writing SS.

Sadly, popularity is a double-edged sword: once a platform like SS moves beyond a niche group to attract the heavy cultural hitters, then here comes the mob ... and it's easy to get lost in the stampede. But hey, we Bastard Machiners are still here for you, Tim, so cheer up -- and get that Writing SS going!

Onward, into the mist...

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Into the Mystic.

I was periodically using that other platform to remind people I was here but gave up on it more than year ago now, I think. I'll just see who I can rouse over here in this biosphere.

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Yeah, TwitterX is pretty much a shit-show these days. I'm only there for a few like-minded people who post items and links of interest and to lob an occasional grenade into a nest of dumbass LumpentRumpers -- futile though that may be.

It's like much of the rest of life, wading through oceans of shit to find an occasional diamond ... "and then," as the saying goes, "you die."

But not for a while, hopefully.

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But hey, Elon is DARK MAGA! now.

"It's like much of the rest of life, wading through oceans of shit to find an occasional diamond ... "and then," as the saying goes, "you die."

Or, as Kurt Vonnegut said, "So it goes..."

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Yeah, he's dark all right.

Vonnegut's signature phrase is one of my favorites. I steal it more than I should ... but I just can't help it.

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Kinda like I can't help stealing:

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.”

—Dr Hunter S. Thompson, Doctor of Gonzo Journalism

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Discovering Thompson's books was such a rush: a long, winding, thrilling roller coaster ride of truly dazzling prose. For a while there, he was the literary Marvel Superhero voice of a generation.

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So as Substack becomes more popular, it has a discovery problem? Hey, that sounds familiar!

I suspect that I'm not your target audience for your writing substack but I expect I would get some benefit since I do technical writing all day. Good luck with it.

And if you and Rick do a tv bundle, sign me up. I'm already paying for both...

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It does sound familiar! It's a baked in problem, I'm assuming. And thanks for the kind words about the new one when and if it rolls out, and greater thanks for being a paid subscriber here. Much appreciated.

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Substack may not be perfect but I love how it directly connects authors and readers. It's enjoyable to know my subscription money goes straight to the writer who brings consistent joy.

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I completely agree and it wouldn't be a hard thing for them just to add another category what is it another drop down in the record?

Maybe you can offer a bundled solution for people who want to pay for both? I'm not very up to date on how sub-stack works I'm only here because of you so I'm not sure if that can even be done.

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I'm not sure it can be done either, which is kind of funny. But no, I would just keep them separate and I would think the free content, however limited, would probably be enough when it all rolls out. And I'm glad you're here! Trust me.

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I think it can be done. I know Anne Helen Peterson did that. Well it was a podcast. So maybe it’s just a podcast thing? But basically if you subscribed to her newsletter you got a discount on her podcast. The podcast was kind of a separate newsletter as well as being a podcast.


Just an example:

How Much Does a Subscription Cost?

If you already subscribe to Culture Study: $3 a month/$30 a year (current subscribers, check your email or the Substack app for “Culture Study Podcast Promo” to get the link; new subscribers will get access to the promo link after they subscribe)

If you just want to subscribe to the podcast: $5 a month/$50 a year

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It'll never be as popular as Crypto.

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Nothing could be. Except, perhaps, Health Politics.

And because I know you know your '80s, WHY is there no "Politics Of Dancing"!?

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I think you meant, "the politics of ooooooooohhhh feelin' good".

Speaking of politics, is it just me or has The Donald devolved into a Batman villain?

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Im all for you doing as many substacks as possible SO LONG AS THIS ONE DOESN’T SUFFER…

The Bastard Machine and my fellow Bastards are an essential part of my internet diet…

(Awkward passages like that probably disqualify me from your script writing substack😂😂😂)

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I promise this one will not suffer. This one suffers enough! Ah, my patented self-deprecating sense of humor.

But yes, this is the main deal and always will be.

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Should we pull a Tarantino and start to refer to ourselves as "Basterds"?

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Well it would be better than Basturds.

But I'm all for the correct Bastards.

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I agree completely. I have brought this up this numerous times - everytime the Substack folks ask for suggestions. I have also suggested that they allow readers to subscribe to a bundle of Substacks at a flat price. Pick a bundle price - say three for $10 a month (or even four). And readers could go through the list of Substacks that agree to be part of it and pick their bundle. Based on what you're writing, I suspect you'd do that with music Substacks. And I certainly would as well.

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I doubt they (Substack) would change but yes, having a curated package of individual newsletters to subscribe to is likely the best answer to the problem everyone is facing (which is only getting worse).

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Yes, Rick - "create your own digital magazine" in effect. I dearly hope some version of that is coming, it's impossible to keep up with this volume as the platform grows. We need curation!

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