Think you are being kind. There is cheating and then there is incompetence.


One character, a former petty criminal makes a decision a sociopath would envy that could have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of young people. Given concerts ranging from Ariana Grande to the Israel event in 2023 this was completely Bonkers for such a show as this.

Later a an Irish family whose patriarch is wheel chair bound descends from a 30 foot cliff in a ghost costume no less. The fit Interpol are shown, but cannot make the same climb.

Then when the bomb goes off said family is decimated but lead character standing 10 feet away, is unharmed.

Then another lead character escapes a possible death to the same bomb. How? No idea. He does not even say.

Then after this life altering occurrence when all the lives are subsequently ruined the podcaster THEN decides not to tell the story? Not even as an homage to the dead?

Bodkin was not great but in the last 10 minutes went beyond final Games of Thrones season into absolute madness. What were they thinking?

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Will Forte was in another show that had an interesting premise started out decent (not great) and then totally went off the rails:

The Last Man on Earth…

(I just looked it up on IMDB THERE WERE FOUR SEASONS!!!)

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This piece is so good! Netflix keeps harassing me to watch this show. I think I had a better time reading this review than I would have watching the show. One thing I have noticed is how hard it is to pull off a one season murder mystery show. There do seem to be more misses than hits. I enjoyed True Detective Night Country more than you but because I barely watch these kinds of shows I gave it points for atmosphere. The one show that threw me off this format was The Killing. The ending of Season 1 pissed me off so much I never went back. And yes: too many red herrings and characters doing stupid things is always a problem with these shows.

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Brilliant Tim, thanks.

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Thanks, Andres!

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

I agree with everything you wrote but I kind of enjoyed the show as a silly comedy, with hit and miss jokes, and with a mystery aspect not worth paying close attention to, and Siobhán Cullen's performance, though, is what kept me watching. Have heard good things about Obituary. My comfort food is Euro mystery thrillers with lots of dead bodies. Just watched a good one, The Roots of Evil, which I liked because it gives the characters lots of depth and deals a lot with post-wall Germany in 1993 and the problems in the former East Germany. Of course, as with many mystery series, there's a character whose character changes inexplicably in the final episode to make for a relatively satisfying conclusion. It's on Mhz Choice which I rejoined because it now has all of Babylon Berlin and yet another new season of Beck, the latter being one of the most satisfying mystery series where there's a stand alone mystery in each episode. It's been running on and off since around 1999, with seasons often skipping years.

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Yes I think the frustrating part (or one of them) with Bodkin was when it was charming and funny and had that slow-things-happening-in-Ireland appeal to it, which held most of the potential. Squandering that was obviously less fun. I've got Obituary on my fast track and I'll look at The Roots of Evil which sounds intriguing. Have you watched Kleo? If not, highly recommend for the whole German re-unification spy stuff the actress who makes Kleo go.

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I've not heard of Kleo. I'll check it out. Your comment made me think about why some series that start well and go off the rails near the end annoy the heck out of me and some don't. It may just be my mood and expectations at the time. Has me thinking about Fargo, the series. I love it but when it first aired I quit the first season after two episodes. Just did not like it. Recently after seeing the most recent season I went back and made myself watch all of season one. I still didn't like it but given how good the series became I felt obliged to finish it. Maybe it lacked the crazed wit of later seasons (even the not great later seasons). Dunno. The metaphysics of streaming and bingeing.

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Jun 4Liked by Tim Goodman

You REALLY need to check out Obituary. It's totally Siobhán Cullen's show and it's deliciously dark and funny...

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

A friend of mine recommended "Bodkin" and my husband said, "Nah, that doesn't look very good." Now I'm glad I decided to skip it (the hubs & I are always looking for things we agree we will watch together).

Speaking of Netflix, I consider myself someone who pays pretty close attention to TV, and until a couple of days ago when I happened to see an article about Jeff Daniels somewhere, I had NO IDEA that there was an adaptation of Tom Wolfe's "A Man in Full" that premiered in early May. Literally did not hear one single word. Besides Daniels, Diane Lane and Lucy Liu are in it, as well as William Jackson Harper (from "The Good Place"). Created and written by David E. Kelley! Directed by Regina King and Thomas Schlamme! Based on a best-selling novel (albeit one published 25 years ago)! How can what sounds like a prestige production fly so far under the radar? I mean, now I assume it's crap and that the streamer quietly dumped it, since as far as I know, it never even showed up on my Netflix new/suggested content screen.

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I saw something on my Netflix landing page about A Man In Full but had not heard a peep about it before. But this is a LONG running problem for Netflix and creators hate that part (they love the money though). I'm sure it's frustrating to make a whole series (a year-plus adventure at minimum) and then all the episodes dumped on a super crowded platform with no promotion. But that's the deal you make. Now, I'm not a big David E. Kelley fan so I probably won't race to see it given all the other choices, but I do like Jeff Daniels a lot.

Also, good call on your husband's part regarding Bodkin. (But clearly I liked part of it....I wouldn't be so disappointed in the implosion if I hadn't).

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A Man in Full is on my list of things to watch (between appraisers, movers and preparing a move to Sacramento) but, regardless of the cast, for some reason I'm not terribly eager to start it...

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

The sad thing, and the reason that I was (I think) the first person to mention Bodkin here is that Siobhán Cullen is compelling and lots of fun to watch. I loved it in the beginning (which is when I mentioned it) but, like you, felt it was going down unnecessary rabbit holes.

And then there was the biggest problem for me, Will Forte. I guess they could've leaned in even more on the fish out of water aspect — but why? We've already got Ted Lasso. He just struck a jarring cord every time he opened his mouth and there was way too much of him trying to be funny.

Now if they'd let Siobhán Cullen lead the series and lean in to the Celtic mysteries and the horror of Irish nunneries and laundries during the time of her childhood, this could have been a very different and much better show.

Fortunately, she did get to lead the viciously delicious Obituary...

BTW, "Badkin" is low hanging fruit!

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I will look into Obituary. And it was only low hanging fruit that first started way up in the tree and then sagged disappointedly. That’s why I was compelled to stick it in the blender and juice it. You drop that low, you pay the price, silly fruit.

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People in certain neighborhoods might object to "silly fruit"...

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

Ha! I’m even more excited now to finish this. It’s take back seat to other shows.

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We are all partial sadists.

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

Tim, thanks for your insightful review. The creators should be grateful you bothered.

We gritted our teeth and finished the last episode last night. Completely agree. It was like a film class project where the talented students started it and had to hand it over to the rest of the students to finish the “story”.

It got worse and worse and finally horrible ruined. Even the appealing venue and the accents, obviously a big part of the initial hook, could not save it. When are we going to have an enjoyable new American made foreign setting drama series that doesn’t trash the genre? With appealing characters?(ie The Diplomat) And isn’t trashily boring? I’m sick of these disappointing attempts.

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Perfect timing for this piece! I mean that sadly.

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

I finished it absolutely pissed off that they wasted Siobhán Cullen so brutally.

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She was their best actor and character along with Wimot/Seamus, and they absolutely ruined here. Infuriating. (Remember Wilmot from Station Eleven?)

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

Oh I remember Wilmot...

You really need to check out Obituary, it's dark, funny and totally awesome.

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

I just subscribed in homage to your takedown of Bodkin. I could tell where it was going partway through episode one and I’m glad to know that my instincts were correct! I really appreciate the detailed analysis however. Looking forward to you discussing the Netflix show Eric.

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Welcome Lauren and thank you!

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

We're due for a Pepper photo, for the record.

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Jun 3Liked by Tim Goodman

You'll be very glad that you subscribed. Come for the Bodkin takedown, stay for the runimations on architecture, music, streaming subscriptions and the occasional ridiculously cute dog photo...

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